"I thought you might like this one. Funny but, true.
Click the link to view YouTube-Middle Aged Woman"
Sitting around in my bath robe with nothing better to do, I clicked and viewed the silly video making light of the pitfalls of middle aged women. :) Heehee. Believing a chuckle is good for the soul I checked out the related links in search of another laugh. Befuddled I found "Hot Middle Aged Woman Smoker" which linked to "Yaiza The Hot Smoker", "Gorgeous Brunette Smoking Cigarette", 2 Mature Women Light Up Cigarettes", Hot Blond Woman Lights Up A Camel Filter", etc.. The list seemed endless.
Not to be left out of the craze, I offer my own still version of a "Hot Middle Aged Woman Smokes".
Smoke this........

Don't call the Vice Squad yet. It's a rolled up Earl Green tea bag held together with old fashioned flour paste.......Whole wheat of course! I am middle aged for goodness sake. Gotta have that fiber!
Eleanor...this is amazing. I am so excited and inspired now that you've gotten it off the ground. I worry about our society and the damage it does to women...starting in the womb. I've seen babies with weave and heard of babies dyed blond. It sickens me that so YOUNG we send the message that what we actually ARE is not beautiful enough. I think all women, mothers in particular, really ought to check the messages that we send our girls.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see my mug on your blog:)))
Mommy, I am so proud of you. This picture is crazy! Great job.
ReplyDeleteEleanor- thank you for your comment on my blog! It's nice to hear some positive feedback. And your blog concept is fantastic. See you Thursday!
ReplyDeleteThis one is brilliant!
ReplyDeleteI can't explain how I found my way here - I had googled 'women menopause smoking' or something along those lines. It must have been Fate!
ReplyDeleteI am a weak willed creature who frequently falls off the non-smoking wagon - but after seeing this I know I couldn't light another fag for love or money.
Canny Granny I don't think that I have laughed this hard in a while! I am glad that I could help :)))