Friday, February 29, 2008

Woman Steals Youth!

The headline just blew me away, " Botox Bandit walks out without paying" !

A woman walks into a Houston spa, gets her injections to the tune of $2600. She walks out on the premise of getting her Amex Card never to return. Wisely she schemed leaving behind fictitious phone numbers, etc. The wrinkle in her plan was providing her before and after photos as evidence!

View the story at:

What bothers me about the comments following the above story is that they only addressed the subject of crime and the ability to prosecute. Are we missing the desperation in the motive, 'Woman Steals Youth!' ?

1 comment:

  1. Two kinds of people... the ones who accept who they are... and the ones who have trouble accepting who they are...i think we all get to fall on either side of the fence at one point or another... i guess its what you do with the thoughts and feelings that really defines you. Dermatology robinhood... Or desperately wrinkled..hmmmm either way ... she is still pumping shite into her mug. ... time stops for no one.
